Kanegon, the gCoin Monsterh from the Japanese TV show gUltra Qh. A highly-detailed and accurate reproduction of the Kaiju monster as seen in the original Ultraman TV show or movie. Soft vinyl (sofubi) action figure equipped with the Ultra Live Sign coded ID badge at the bottom of the foot. Thanks to this badge, the Kaiju monster comes to life when recognized by the DX Ginga (Galaxy) Spark unit or other Ultra Live compatible devices (sold separately / Japanese language only). Figure has multiple points of articulation. The size of the figures in the collection varies; the average height is 5 inches. Soft Vinyl doll of Ultra monster Kanegon appeared!
ウルトラマンギンガから、「ウルトラ怪獣500 47 カネゴン」がラインナップ。全高約140mmサイズで再現されたカネゴンは、小さくてもリアルでカッコいい完全新規造形のソフビフィギュアアイテムです。